Professor Alírio Egídio Rodrigues, professor emeritus at FEUP’s Chemical Engineering Department since 2013, received the title of Professor Honoris Causa from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) from the hands of Rector Alfredo Gomes, in a ceremony at the Rector’s Office.

The honor committee was formed by the coordinator of the Chemical Engineering course and representative of the Centre for Technology and Geosciences, professor Maurício Alves da Motta Sobrinho, the Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Carol Leandro, UFPE professor emeritus César Abreu, the head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Jorge Cavalcanti, professor Mohand Benachour, professor Nelson Medeiros and professor Augusto Knoelchman.

This title is intended for professors or scientists of recognised standing who are not part of the UFPE staff and who have made significant contributions to the institution or to the development of teaching, science, technology or culture. Professor Alírio Rodrigues has thus been recognised for his role as a reference in his field of work and for his long-standing cooperation with UFPE’s Chemical Engineering Department in research projects and in advising master’s and doctoral students.