About DEQ

The Chemical Engineering Department (DEQ) is the organic unit of FEUP that groups the main human and material resources associated with the activity of chemical engineering or related areas.


In these areas, the Department is responsible for ensuring and/or supporting FEUP’s teaching in undergraduate, master’s, postgraduate and continuous training courses, as well as scientific research, technological development and external service provision.

DEQ is responsible for the undergraduate and master’s in Chemical Engineering, is co-responsible for the undergraduate and master’s in Bioengineering and participates actively in the undergraduate and master’s in Environmental Engineering. At the level of doctoral programmes, DEQ is responsible for the PhD Programme in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PDEQB), the PhD Programme in Environmental Engineering (PDEA) and the PhD Programme in Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering (PDERQP).

The scientific research of DEQ’s teachers and researchers is integrated in several R&D Units, and covers a wide spectrum of areas linked to or with great affinity to chemical engineering. 

DEQ has important resources in terms of laboratory equipment with a high level of sophistication, of access to bibliographic databases and informatic resources for community support services: laboratory analysis, engineering project or consultancy activity.