1906, 2023

Chemical Engineering Alumni visit DEQ

June 19th, 2023|

To celebrate the 50 years of completion of the Chemical Engineering course and unveil a commemorative plaque, a group of alumni was at FEUP last June 9. The group was received by the FEUP Director, [...]

2105, 2023

DEQ researchers highlighted in the 2023 edition of the Research.com rankings

May 21st, 2023|

Of the four hundred and eighty-two Portuguese researchers highlighted in the 2023 edition of the Research.com thematic rankings, which annually rank the best and most influential scientists in the world in their respective areas, twenty-one [...]

2005, 2023

Chemical Engineering Alumni visit DEQ

May 20th, 2023|

To commemorate 60 years of entry in the Chemical Engineering course, 9 alumni were at FEUP last Friday, April 28, to deliver a commemorative plaque and admire how their "home" is now. Nostalgic of FEUP [...]

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