Undergraduate and Masters programmes
The Department of Chemical Engineering intervenes in the Undergraduate and Masters programmes offered by FEUP in the areas of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Bioengineering, through human resources (teaching, technical and administrative staff) and materials (laboratory space and equipment).
Masters Degrees
All these programmes are accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) has a Mentoring program to promote the integration of new students in the university environment, adapted to the characteristics of each course. The promotion of this social and academic integration program is carried out by senior students (mentors) who attend the different programmes in more advanced years, and coordinated by a team of teachers. DEQ supports these activities together with the directors of the courses with which it collaborates.
Student Bodies
To make academic life more stimulating and productive, students organize themselves around common interests, creating associations and groups focused on many different topics as music, radio, or engineering. Among the various groups of students at FEUP, DEQ has a more intrinsic relationship with the associations integrated in the undergraduate courses – MIEQ, MIEA and MIB.
Extracurricular activities
In addition to the activities promoted by the student groups, the University of Porto offers a wide range of options in the areas of culture and sport. This is in line with the conviction that the university is much more than a space for the acquisition and development of academic knowledge, but that aims to contribute to the development of talent at various levels.

The University of Porto strongly invest in promoting sports within its academic community. It is the Sports Center of U.Porto (CDUP-UP) that manages and promotes the sports offered to students, employees, alumni and also to people outside the University that join the various activities offered – Hydro gymnastics, Bodybuilding, Swimming, Pilates, Yoga , Zumba, Body Combat, Localized, GAP, among others.
For water sports enthusiasts, U.Porto also has a Rowing and Canoeing Center, located on the south bank of the Douro River (Vila Nova de Gaia).
In addition, there are several team or individual sports available, which give the possibility to represent U.Porto in national and international university championships. FEUP has teams in the following sports:
- Handball (Female and Male)
- Basketball (Female and Male)
- Football 11 (Male)
- Futsal (Female and Male)
- Volleyball (Female and Male)
- Rugby 7 (Male)
The existence of a Cultural Committee at FEUP proves the enormous importance that is attributed to the cultural and artistic areas.
Activities ranging from music to theater, exhibitions, cinema cycles, debates about art and society, among others, are regularly organized. One of the most emblematic projects is FEUP’s Classical Orchestra, with weekly rehearsals. Some of these activities are promoted in partnership with other cultural institutions.
Throughout the year there are also Painting and Music Workshops, open to students, teachers and other employees.