Pedro Velho, a student on the Doctoral Programme in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PDEQB) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), has just been awarded the 2nd edition of the ‘Early Career’ prize by the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (JCED). This worldwide award annually recognises an early career researcher – up to 12 years after graduating – in the areas of phase equilibrium and thermophysical characterisation, at experimental, computational and theoretical levels.

Carrying out his research at the Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Processes – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (LSRE-LCM), which is part of the Associated Laboratory ALiCE, based at FEUP’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Pedro Velho has dedicated himself to extracting antioxidants from bio-waste using sustainable processes. Most of his work is focused on the liquid-liquid extraction of biomolecules, thermodynamic modelling of electrolytes and the synthesis/characterisation of new generation solvents.